Luxurious Vanilla Ice Cream

Luxurious Vanilla Ice Cream


2 cups cream

1 cup whole milk

1 tbsp. Cook’s Choice Pure Vanilla Extract

1 tbsp Cook's Pure Vanilla Paste (You may substitute the scrapings of 1 vanilla bean.) 

5 large egg yolks

3/4 cup sugar


1. In a medium saucepan over low heat, heat cream and milk. Bring to a simmer.

2. Meanwhile, whisk together egg yolks, vanilla extract and paste, and sugar.

3. While vigorously whisking, pour the hot cream mixture gradually into the egg mixture. Be sure to continue whisking and gradually add hot milk to avoid causing the egg mixture to scramble.

4. Return the custard to the saucepan and heat over low heat and continuously whisk for approximately 5 minutes or until mixture is frothy.

5. Strain custard through a medium sieve into a bowl. (This step is crucial to eliminate any cooked bits of egg.)

6. Allow mixture to cool in either an ice bath (preferred) or in a refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Whisking occasionally, especially if using ice bath.

7. In the bowl of the ice cream maker, add the chilled custard.

8. Churn and cream the ice cream according to the directions of your ice cream maker. (My Kitchen Aid requires low speed.)

9. Once the ice cream is creamy and has reached frozen yogurt consistency, remove the ice cream from the mixer bowl and transfer it to a storage container.

10. Freeze for at least 4 hours and then serve.
