Cook's Flavoring Company
A Family Legacy
of Pure Vanilla
Cook's History
We Are Cook's
An Expert in Vanilla
Josephine was sifting vanilla seeds in our plant at age 5. She never stopped.
Josephine spent her life learning the vanilla business. Now at our helm, she applies her own talent and vision to making the best vanilla possible. Josephine runs the business hands-on, selecting our beans, working with farmers and curers, advising customers, developing our product lines, and directing every aspect of our company.
Josephine LochheadPresident & CEO -
The Vanilla Technician
A dairy science graduate of Cal Poly and Josephine's husband, Don worked side-by-side with Ray for decades, learning vanilla inside and out. Don makes all of our vanillas and other flavors, along with overseeing all our sourcing, manufacturing, and quality control. A great technical resource for customers, Don manages everything that comes into our plant and everything that leaves it.
Don SchmidtProduction Chief -
Vanilla's Storyteller
A graduate of UC Berkeley and Columbia University, Carolyn is a professional journalist and former Washington correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle. She accompanies her sister Josephine on her vanilla expeditions, producing the company's writing and photography. Carolyn cares deeply about our family vanilla legacy and wants to share our story with the world.
Carolyn LochheadWriter & Photographer -
The Vanilla Chemist
Margaret represents our 4th generation in the family business and is a Cal Poly chemistry graduate. She literally grew up in the vanilla business, developing a yen for aromatic chemistry during her grandfather Ray's product taste tests. A consummate baker, Margaret specializes in flavor analysis and quality control.
Margaret KobelFlavor Chemist

Family Owned & Operated for Over 100 Years
Founded in 1918 by Angus Lochhead, Cook's Vanilla has since been owned and operated by his son, Ray Lochhead, then his granddaughter, Josephine Lochhead. Today, Jo is joined by her husband and children for four generations of a family vanilla legacy.